Monday, 21 November 2011
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Representation of character
Characteristic | Camera/ Sound/ Mise en Scene | How we will show it |
Age - 15 | Mise en Scene - Costume - Setting | He is either wearing a school uniform or casual tracksuit bottoms, both typical for someone his age. Typical bedroom items of someone that age in the living room. |
Isolation | Sound - Dialogue | Throughout the entire scene he has no dialogue and does not make any attempt to engage with others. In classroom and hallway scenes, dialogue of those around him is muffled, shows he’s not engaging with others. |
Has been kicked out of his house | Mise en Scene - Setting | Sleeps on a sofa rather than in a bedroom, clearly is a regular routine, as he wakes up there at the start of the day and goes back to sleep there at the end. Could show bad relationship with family. |
Depressed | Mise en Scene - Body language, Facial expression Camera Sound - Music | Slumped body language and blank facial expression throughout. A lot of close ups are used, ensuring the audience sees his facial expression at different points throughout. Very sombre, slow music, reflects mood of the character. |
Insecurities | Camera | Looking in the mirror between shots with a blank expression. Also, the shot getting closer each time shows he could be trying looking deeper. |
Has acquaintances but not real friends | Camera | Shots of him amongst a group of other people (classroom and hallway scenes), he is visibly distressed but no one around him tries to reach out to check if he is ok. |
Interests | Mise en Scene - Props | Some things that a boy of his age would be expected to have in his room, such as an Xbox, and his alarm clock is football-themed. |
Friday, 18 November 2011
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Shooting schedule
Shooting Schedule
Date//Time/Location | Shot Number and Shot Details | Props in the shot and where they need to be | Character(s) in scene |
IN ORDER (during the 5 min break between lessons and when no ones around aswell) While no ones there. Outside the school | 9 – Medium shot 9B – Panning shot 8B – Cut away shot to clock 7- Extreme Long shot (crowd) 7B/ – Extreme long shot (no crowd) 10 – Over the shoulder from the front 12- close up side view 11 Long shot 5. OTS 4b Tracking shot 1. Panning shot 3. Ariel shot (birds eye view) 3b. Long shot 8- Medium shot 4. Long shot 6. Close med 2. Cut away 13- close up 14- Long shot 15. Ariel shot 16- cutaway 17- Panning shot 18. Close up (zooms) | Tables + chairs Tracking pads, chair Alarm + clock window Lamp, sofa/bed coffee table, mirror + alarm clock ’’ ‘’ Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Alarm clock mirror Bed and environment Bed – environment Lamp Environment Phone | Ashley + extras Ashley + extras Ashley + extras Ashley Ashley and crowd. Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley |
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
I am Legend
(Couldn't embed the video due to the admin of the video not allowing it. + its the only version on youtube)
The opening sequence to ‘I am Legend’ sets the environment. From the first few years to the next allow us to realise how much the place has changed, this makes it clear that something is wrong in the area as we can see the debilitation of the city. To see a huge city break down makes us feel as something terrible is going on, which makes us want to watch some more. Because this film is an action/thriller film they set the location in something that would draw the action side of media towards the film, for example. The city of New York is huge and full of buildings w hich they used to their
Instantly when the main character (played by Will Smith) appears on screen, you can tell he is the protagonist that will save the day, guided by his dog who listens to every command. You can also tell they have strong bond, just by the way he treats him like a human by opening the window for the dog, just so he could look out the window.
(Couldn't embed the video due to the admin of the video not allowing it. + its the only version on youtube)
The opening sequence to ‘I am Legend’ sets the environment. From the first few years to the next allow us to realise how much the place has changed, this makes it clear that something is wrong in the area as we can see the debilitation of the city. To see a huge city break down makes us feel as something terrible is going on, which makes us want to watch some more. Because this film is an action/thriller film they set the location in something that would draw the action side of media towards the film, for example. The city of New York is huge and full of buildings w
Instantly when the main character (played by Will Smith) appears on screen, you can tell he is the protagonist that will save the day, guided by his dog who listens to every command. You can also tell they have strong bond, just by the way he treats him like a human by opening the window for the dog, just so he could look out the window.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Shot and storyboard 1st and final draft analysis
In hindsight I can see where we went wrong with our first draft of the storyboard, which is why I’m glad we got a chance to do a second draft, using the first as a kind of jump-off point.
Shot 1 - The first shot of the 2nd draft is a long panning shot around Ashley’s dimly lit bedroom, the only sound being the beeping of his alarm clock. We chose to make this our first shot – rather than the long shot of him simply walking down the street that we used in the 1st draft – after getting feedback from our teacher that it is important for the audience to get an idea of the character’s everyday life and surroundings in the opening scene, especially in establishing shots. Considering one of the central ideas of our opening scene is that of Ashley’s loneliness, we decided the first setting we needed to establish was a place where he truly was alone, which is his bedroom.
Shot 2 – The second shot is a close up of the alarm clock and then a hand reaching over and pressing the snooze button to stop it ringing. We added this after watching other movie openings and found that focusing on small details with close ups and cut-aways like this just make the overall scene more effective than if everything was shot in the same long and medium shots.
Shot 3 – This is going to be a medium shot from a bird’s eye view of Ashley lying on his bed for a few seconds, then getting up and off. We are using this because it feels like a good way to introduce the character
Shot 4 – This is going to be a long shot of Ashley looking blankly at himself in a full-length mirror. The reason we chose to use this was because we felt it was a good way to show how detached he feels from his own emotions, that he can look at a reflection of himself the way he would look at a total stranger because he only sees emptiness reflected back at him
Shot 5 - What was originally the second shot in the 1st draft eventually became the 5th shot of the 2nd, although we did adapt it a bit. Originally, the shot was just a tracking over the shoulder of him walking through the school gates. However, after watching the opening from The Way of The Gun (where the first shot pans down from the building to the crowd) I felt that panning down from the top of the school first could be a good way of establishing his surroundings without having to use the more commonly used horizontal panning shot.
Shot 6 – This is another shot of him staring at himself in the mirror, except this time it is a medium long shot. By zooming in slightly every time we cut back to this sequence, as well as placing the different shots sporadically in between the different shots of him in school, kind of represents how the magnitude of his emotions starts to become clearer to him as he looks back on his behaviour throughout the day.
Shot 7 – This is an extreme long shot of him standing in the middle of a crowded hallway. We chose to use this shot because it will show how big the crowd is, and so accentuate how clearly disconnected he is from them all.
Shot 8 – Here we will use a medium shot of him in the mirror, getting closer as he thinks
Shot 9 – This will be a close up of the clock on a classroom wall. This is to add to the typical classroom atmosphere, as well as for the audience to get an idea of how long he has been in this state (if they think back to the time on his alarm clock in shot 2).
Shot 10 – This is going to be a medium shot of Ashley sat down at a desk in a classroom, while everyone else around and behind him talk animatedly. This shot is basically to show the contrast between the emotions and actions of his peers (examples of what would be expected at that age) and the way he looks and behaves, but in a way that keeps the main character in the foreground.
Shot 11 – This will be a medium tracking shot of 180 degrees around the front of Ashley’s face. We chose to include this because we feel it is a more creative way of showing the characters current facial expression than, for example, repeatedly using close-ups.
Shot 12 – This is a close up over the shoulder shot from the front of Ashley standing in another halfway, showing the people milling around and past him as the amount of people left dwindle down until just a few can be seen in the background. This again just goes to show the way everyone around him seems to just go about their everyday lives, while he is just alone.
Shot 13 – This will be a long shot, showing that he is the last one left in the hallway. He stands there are few seconds, then begins to walk down the hallway towards the camera.
Shot 14
Shot 15 – Ashley stops and stares out of a window, with a close up taken from the side. We chose this because it is a way of showing his reaction, while not revealing what he has seen, which would make the audience ask questions. Also, we are going to take this shot from the side because it is slightly less conventional than if we took it from the front.
Shot 16 – This will a long shot from in front of him walking down the hallway and then walking out of shot.
Shot 17 – The final shot of him in the mirror is an extreme close up, which then zooms out to an over the shoulder so we see he has a phone in his hand in the reflection, which he puts down on a table next to the mirror, then walks off shot. The effect of the extreme close up is that because it is the closest shot we could have of his face where his expression can still be seen, its like he is looking as deep into his own mind and feelings as he can. Then, by zooming out to the OTS so the phone can be seen,
Shot 18 – This will be a long shot taken from behind him, showing him crossing the room and getting into the bed. By going from a much tighter shot (the extreme close up to OTS) to this much wider shot, it represents that he is trying to ignore those deep-rooted issues that he has now unearthed in himself and tries to go back to the numb feeling he was at when he first woke up that morning in the first shot of him in the mirror, which had been a long shot, so using another long shot forms some kind of symmetry.
Shot 19 - This is going to be a medium shot from a bird’s eye view of Ashley lying on his bed, reaching over to the lamp. This shot yet again serves as symmetry (of shot 3) with his day ending the way it began, which reflects the monotony of his daily routine.
Shot 20 – This is a cut-away of him turning the lamp off. As with the other close-ups and cut-aways this was used to add interest and variety into the scene.
Shot 21 – In the dim lighting, we’ll have a long panning shot across the room, from the bed to the phone on the table. This is again a kind of symmetry, but one that’s different from the other uses. Whilst the others will be very close in appearance, this one will be in darkness rather than in light, like how the original panning shot in shot 1 is, because it will reflect how his outlook has changed from the beginning of his day to the end.
Shot 22 – This final shot is a close up of his phone on the table, displaying the text on the screen. We chose to have this close-up as the final shot of the scene because it is the thing that makes ever other parts of the opening come together and make sense
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Monday, 7 November 2011
The opening to se7en uses ghosting, which is an effect which makes us feel uneasy. This effect is commonly found in this genre. The constant turning of the pages makes us want to know what is the book, and why is this person reading it. Thrillers often leave riddles for the audience to solve, so solving a riddle which may come up in this film is an audience pleasure. The font on the book and writing is untied and messy, which makes us feel uncomfortable, all the flickering and random white pulses lets us know this film will be scary, which hints it may be a horror aswell as a thriller.
The colour red bursting out the screen makes us feel uneasy. The colour red also signifies horror and blood, this would match with the genre that this film fits in. The whole scene makes us feel uncomfortable, and this was the aim of the director.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Friday, 4 November 2011
First of all we'll have a tracking over the shoulder shot to show where ash is walking too, Ashley walks into school looking at the floor and barely looking up.
A long shot of Ashley about to turn the corner into one of the doors
Ashley opens the door and slowly walks in using cut away and mid shots, not taking his head up from the floor. By now he is drenched due to the rain.
Ashley slowly stamps down the corridor for a few steps till he is bang in the middle of the corridor...
A high angled mid shot will be used of everyone walking around him, showing him isolated.
Then it will cut to him sitting in a class room. A tracking close up going all around his head, showing how emotionless his face is. Then cut back to the corridor when it reaches half way going round his head. A ots shot of a surge of people rushing towards him will be shown, and Ashley still stands there, staring towards the ground without a move.
Cuts away back to the classroom, and its still very isolated. The tracking shot of around his head finishes and we are stuck with a close up of his face. A tear drops and a cutaway to that tear is shown. then we cut back to the corridor, where every ones in their classroom after hearing the school alarm so nobodies around. Ashley then turns around, looking ready to walk out of school, shown by a long shot, but very visibly sticks his hand into his right pocket using a mid shot from below. We cut back to the classroom where Ashley puts his hand in his right pocket and pulls out a mobile phone, we cut back quicker to the Ashley in the corridor, about to read something on his phone. Then cut back to the classroom, and show a cutaway of the text which states "sorry Ashley, i don't think me and you are working out x"
Then it cuts back towards the corridor and you see a mid shot from behind of him about to throw the phone, you see the phone hit the wall and then it cuts back to the classroom of him finally losing it and jumping out his seat kicking chairs around, shown by mid shots and long shots.
Then cuts back to the corridor scene when the girl he broke up with walks into the corridor late and looks straight into Ashley's face... And a action reaction, ots shot is shown to show both peoples reactions.
A long shot of Ashley about to turn the corner into one of the doors
Ashley opens the door and slowly walks in using cut away and mid shots, not taking his head up from the floor. By now he is drenched due to the rain.
Ashley slowly stamps down the corridor for a few steps till he is bang in the middle of the corridor...
A high angled mid shot will be used of everyone walking around him, showing him isolated.
Then it will cut to him sitting in a class room. A tracking close up going all around his head, showing how emotionless his face is. Then cut back to the corridor when it reaches half way going round his head. A ots shot of a surge of people rushing towards him will be shown, and Ashley still stands there, staring towards the ground without a move.
Cuts away back to the classroom, and its still very isolated. The tracking shot of around his head finishes and we are stuck with a close up of his face. A tear drops and a cutaway to that tear is shown. then we cut back to the corridor, where every ones in their classroom after hearing the school alarm so nobodies around. Ashley then turns around, looking ready to walk out of school, shown by a long shot, but very visibly sticks his hand into his right pocket using a mid shot from below. We cut back to the classroom where Ashley puts his hand in his right pocket and pulls out a mobile phone, we cut back quicker to the Ashley in the corridor, about to read something on his phone. Then cut back to the classroom, and show a cutaway of the text which states "sorry Ashley, i don't think me and you are working out x"
Then it cuts back towards the corridor and you see a mid shot from behind of him about to throw the phone, you see the phone hit the wall and then it cuts back to the classroom of him finally losing it and jumping out his seat kicking chairs around, shown by mid shots and long shots.
Then cuts back to the corridor scene when the girl he broke up with walks into the corridor late and looks straight into Ashley's face... And a action reaction, ots shot is shown to show both peoples reactions.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Final Story
Ashley believed he was in love with a beautiful, young lady, way out of his league. He believed this girl was his one and had spent many months before fantasising what it would be like if he got one chance with this girl. When ashley got the courage to ask the girl on a date, she said yes. Which hooked ashley on love, day after day after day; he would see her and shower her with gifts making her feel like a princess. After a while, he started seeing this girl less and less, and she used excuses like 'School is too hard at the moment' and 'Im busy, maybe tommorrow'. He didn't realise the obvious, she didn't like him anymore. It was a sunday night, he kissed the photo of her goodnight and put the picture which was located on the bedside next to him down and laid down comptemplating how their future will go. Wondering how many kids they'll have and what they're going to name them.
Ash woke up in the morning, rolled over and checked his phone. A text from his beloved saying "I don't think its working Ash, its not you, its me. Hope we can still be friends x"
Devastated, he sat in his bed staring at the mirror facing him for a good intese 20 minuites. Ashleys mother walked in and asked why he was like this, no reply.
He got up, took his time to get ready and walked to school almost an hour later than he usually does. He opened a door to the school, stood still, then looked down for about 5 mins while people walked around him when they came out their lessons. Ash slowly walked the through everyone walking towards him. Everything looked grey in his eyes, trying not to hold back the tears. He turned left thinking he's love was there waiting for him, but no one was there. He stood again in complete still while people around him rushed to their lessons, without a care in the world he walked into a completely empty class, he sat got his books out and stared at the board for the remainder of the hour.
His ex girlfriend even walked past the room but he was so deep into this stare he didn't realise. When the bell went off, he walked out of the class. Head still looking towards the floor, looking like death. Ash bust through the same door he entered in and stomped through the playground. No one is quite sure whats about to happen now, Ash doesn't look sane, something inside of him has gone wrong.
He check's his phone while marching towards the exit of school, nothings changed. Ash breaks into tears.
A few days pass, he still hasn't changed. He goes into school, no will for life anymore and walks around to where his ex girlfriend usually stands. This time she is there, looking as well and more beautiful then he ever imagined. He approached her with a look of worry on his face while she is laughing and joking with her friends. When she realises he's approaching, she tells her friends for some privacy, realsing her mistake in letting him go. She whips her hair back as Ash creeps towards her with some pain burning inside him. She asks him to take a step outside, ashley walks besides her in complete silence, but because of the time in the morning, many parents are taking their kids to school. She doesn't say much, but gestures for a hug while ash still stands there in complete silence, but during this hug, Ash lent backwards, dragging both of them towards an incoming car, killing him instantly but leaving her in a extreme condition.
Ash woke up in the morning, rolled over and checked his phone. A text from his beloved saying "I don't think its working Ash, its not you, its me. Hope we can still be friends x"
Devastated, he sat in his bed staring at the mirror facing him for a good intese 20 minuites. Ashleys mother walked in and asked why he was like this, no reply.
He got up, took his time to get ready and walked to school almost an hour later than he usually does. He opened a door to the school, stood still, then looked down for about 5 mins while people walked around him when they came out their lessons. Ash slowly walked the through everyone walking towards him. Everything looked grey in his eyes, trying not to hold back the tears. He turned left thinking he's love was there waiting for him, but no one was there. He stood again in complete still while people around him rushed to their lessons, without a care in the world he walked into a completely empty class, he sat got his books out and stared at the board for the remainder of the hour.
His ex girlfriend even walked past the room but he was so deep into this stare he didn't realise. When the bell went off, he walked out of the class. Head still looking towards the floor, looking like death. Ash bust through the same door he entered in and stomped through the playground. No one is quite sure whats about to happen now, Ash doesn't look sane, something inside of him has gone wrong.
He check's his phone while marching towards the exit of school, nothings changed. Ash breaks into tears.
A few days pass, he still hasn't changed. He goes into school, no will for life anymore and walks around to where his ex girlfriend usually stands. This time she is there, looking as well and more beautiful then he ever imagined. He approached her with a look of worry on his face while she is laughing and joking with her friends. When she realises he's approaching, she tells her friends for some privacy, realsing her mistake in letting him go. She whips her hair back as Ash creeps towards her with some pain burning inside him. She asks him to take a step outside, ashley walks besides her in complete silence, but because of the time in the morning, many parents are taking their kids to school. She doesn't say much, but gestures for a hug while ash still stands there in complete silence, but during this hug, Ash lent backwards, dragging both of them towards an incoming car, killing him instantly but leaving her in a extreme condition.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Effective short films.
This short film captured my attention because it was filmed completely differently from other films. What I found extremely appealing was the fact the film was back to front, so we found out the ending before the beginning. The opening left us asking questions like 'why is he in such a rush to tell her everything' and 'why the strong heartbeat in the background' this all became more clearer when we found out the beginning of the story. There was no dialogue in this short, which made us watch the film & subtitles more closely. This film pointed out everyones faults and showed how it is so easy to fix, this can be the subtitle message to everyone. Don't wait until the last minute to tell someone something you've always wanted too.
This short film has one audience pleasure which made is the success it is. That audience pleasure is laughter, everyone likes a laugh therefore drawing in a wide audience. The editing of the running was done really, each cut showed a different location and it made sense due to all the twists and turns he had experienced. Another reason why it might be effective is how it can relate to so many people. Calling someone with long hair 'bieber' is what alot of people do, this allows the audience to connect with the protagonist. Also, it seemed so serious and we didn't know what had quite gone on at the begining, but because of the ending. It makes it clear what he attempted to do before the scene was shot.
This short film is quite similar to the other one. This leaves questions at the end such as 'I wonder if they have a dispute over it' and 'Why didn't he just sat no offense'
Another audience pleasure is the comedy in it, the dialouge all makes sense and focuses more on the camera and editing more than anything else. The editing makes the cuts all look snappy are realistic, the continuity is perfect. The camera shows all convosations from both of the guys view. Which allowed us to see how they both react to the convosation, this added to the humour because some of the reactions would be very unlikely in real life but makes us laugh. Another reason why this is effective because its very simple, just like the others but keeps us interested even though its a simple idea.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Story ideas
'London Fashion Week usually brings forth a shock or two from cutting-edge designers, but a September creation by Rachel Freire might have raised the bar: a floor-length dress made from 3,000 cow nipples (designed to resemble roses). Initial disgust for the garment centered on implied animal abuse, but Freire deflected that issue by pointing out that the nipples had been discarded by a tannery and that her use amounted to "recycling." The 32-year-old Freire, who has worked with mainstream entertainers such as Christina Aguilera, was kept so busy with the animal-abuse angle that she was largely spared having to explain another issue -- why anyone would want to wear a dress made with cow nipples'
This story made me come up with a comedy styled action film. Everyone is wearing their usual every day stuff, and a teacher decides to dress up as a cow. Due to a weird phonomenem, everyone gets the powers or expertise of their costume. So for example, this teacher is able to use a milk gun and seems to eat alot of grass. A antagonist dressed up in a superhero costume somewhere gets superhero powers and the teacher with cow powers attempts to stop them.
An anonymous donor left 40 million yen in cash in a public toilet at the Hachinohe municipal government office in Aomori Prefecture with a note asking that the money be given to four prefectures affected by the March 11 disaster, according to city officials. Bundles of 10,000 yen bills in a paper bag were found in a tote bag in the toilet. A letter in a paper bag containing the cash said the donor wanted to donate 10 million yen each to Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, according to the municipal office. The donor signed the letter, "Tohokujin," meaning a person from the Tohoku region. (Yomiur)
Someone finds a large stash of money, a few million pound and they use it for their own benefit rather than everyone else's. Greed consumes the person till they lose everything that they have. Then trys to get life on track with his family hating him and trying to regain the love of his ex but because his love for money, will this be possible?
The tottenham riotsSeeing a big commotion happen due to your mishappening, for example. Cheating on an exam causes someone else to fail because the teacher believed they copied of the cheater. Then see how the familys fall out.
A teacher comes to a slack, poor, broken down school. Starts with the 'Brainy students' and they're harder to work with than the more dumb students in his old school, he works through all their problems. They make his life hell, but pulls through and bonds with all the students. Gets kicked out for giving some x rated stuff out. Students petition untill they got him back.
This story made me come up with a comedy styled action film. Everyone is wearing their usual every day stuff, and a teacher decides to dress up as a cow. Due to a weird phonomenem, everyone gets the powers or expertise of their costume. So for example, this teacher is able to use a milk gun and seems to eat alot of grass. A antagonist dressed up in a superhero costume somewhere gets superhero powers and the teacher with cow powers attempts to stop them.
An anonymous donor left 40 million yen in cash in a public toilet at the Hachinohe municipal government office in Aomori Prefecture with a note asking that the money be given to four prefectures affected by the March 11 disaster, according to city officials. Bundles of 10,000 yen bills in a paper bag were found in a tote bag in the toilet. A letter in a paper bag containing the cash said the donor wanted to donate 10 million yen each to Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, according to the municipal office. The donor signed the letter, "Tohokujin," meaning a person from the Tohoku region. (Yomiur)
Someone finds a large stash of money, a few million pound and they use it for their own benefit rather than everyone else's. Greed consumes the person till they lose everything that they have. Then trys to get life on track with his family hating him and trying to regain the love of his ex but because his love for money, will this be possible?
The tottenham riotsSeeing a big commotion happen due to your mishappening, for example. Cheating on an exam causes someone else to fail because the teacher believed they copied of the cheater. Then see how the familys fall out.
Kids receive X-rated prizes from school district.
In Tallahassee, Florida, school administrators hoped to reward students for their A+ fund-raising efforts. They did. School administrators unwittingly gave the hard-working students X-rated gifts. School officials scrambled to collect more than 100 bracelets distributed to students involved in the fund-raising drive after pictures of naked women were found hidden beneath the bracelets’ cloth coverings. The district is continuing efforts to retrieve the” indecent prizes.” Only a handful were returned.A teacher comes to a slack, poor, broken down school. Starts with the 'Brainy students' and they're harder to work with than the more dumb students in his old school, he works through all their problems. They make his life hell, but pulls through and bonds with all the students. Gets kicked out for giving some x rated stuff out. Students petition untill they got him back.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Prelim task evaluation
I worked with Rebecca Auguste on my prelim task, we worked well together and split the work evenly putting enough pressure on both of us to cope. We used each others strengths for our own good, where I was weak at drawing and visual presentation, Rebecca would make up for it. We organised our time to complete the prelim task on a Monday, we wasn't able to complete it on this day due to the fact that our actors didn't show up, so our reliability of the actors was a issue. We dealt with this problem well by changing the day we original planned on filming to a Wednesday with new actors that were more reliable and completed the acting for us. Our strengths were working together during filming and class but our weaknesses were communicating outside of class due to lack of contact. If I was to re-do my task, I would change my actors because they caused alot of problems.
We planned our sequence using a storyboard, we made a rough copy with dialogue at the bottom of each shot and then went to our teacher for advice. Every bit of advice we was given we used to alter out story board, we ended up cutting shots out and replacing them with shots that were more effective. Changing the position of dialogue and the order of all shots. In the end, our storyboard looked completely different. Even before we did our storyboard, we sat down together and decided what the theme of the story was going to be. We had multiple options, from a proposal to pregnancy. Pregnancy was to cliché therefore we thought staying away from that idea would be a good thing and proposal would be to cheesy and may lose the power of the shots that we could of had.
We used a camera, tripod, external hard drive and editing software to complete the task. Everything mentioned is a necessity, without it we couldn't of completed out task. We obviously used the camera to record record our scene, but there was alot more than just 'recording'. We had to make sure the spirit level was always correct, otherwise the shot would of looked wonky. Also we had to make sure the tape was in correctly, and rewinded back to the beginning of the tape to make sure our shots weren't spread all across the place. The tripod was used to make sure the shot was steady and didn't have any unwanted movements, such as shaking and sudden jerks. I learnt alot about cameras; such as how to set them up, and take them down again. These skills are gonna be very vital if I'm to do well in this course.
Factors we had to take into account when making our prelim task was organising a room for us to record in, we booked our drama room out for Monday after school, but because the actors didn't show up, this caused a problem with where we was going to record. We spoke to the drama teacher again and asked if we could do it again another day, due to her kind nature, she allowed us to use the drama room on the Wednesday instead.
I believe our sequence went well because it was well planned and on the day we spent our time well, we showed the actors what they had to do before we even got the camera set out. This was so they could practice there dialogue and gestures before we started recording. This helped us as we didn't have to keep stopping to tell them what to do next.
I have learnt alot from the prelim task, mainly how effective the rule of thirds are. The rule of thirds make each shot more aesthetically more pleasing therefore drawing people to certain parts of the scene. It also shows the difference between the background and foreground so it helps people understand certain aspects of the scene. I also learnt how to work with someone who I don't normally work with better in a group. We were more vocal and communicated well which helped during the filming of the scene, but because we don't talk outside of media, we struggled doing things outside of lesson. I also learnt how to use a camera well, from the fundamentals to the more complicated parts, before this prelim task I had never touched a video camera.
I learnt basically everything I know about editing our own work from the prelim task. I learnt about cutting and dragging different shots etc. We spent out time well editing, we spent our time in lesson very effectively and got the editing finished before most groups. I believe our strengths was picking each shot effectively and if it didn't look right, we changed it as soon possible. I believe our weakness was communicating during this task, we most did it individually which is a problem as its good to practice working together.
We planned our sequence using a storyboard, we made a rough copy with dialogue at the bottom of each shot and then went to our teacher for advice. Every bit of advice we was given we used to alter out story board, we ended up cutting shots out and replacing them with shots that were more effective. Changing the position of dialogue and the order of all shots. In the end, our storyboard looked completely different. Even before we did our storyboard, we sat down together and decided what the theme of the story was going to be. We had multiple options, from a proposal to pregnancy. Pregnancy was to cliché therefore we thought staying away from that idea would be a good thing and proposal would be to cheesy and may lose the power of the shots that we could of had.
We used a camera, tripod, external hard drive and editing software to complete the task. Everything mentioned is a necessity, without it we couldn't of completed out task. We obviously used the camera to record record our scene, but there was alot more than just 'recording'. We had to make sure the spirit level was always correct, otherwise the shot would of looked wonky. Also we had to make sure the tape was in correctly, and rewinded back to the beginning of the tape to make sure our shots weren't spread all across the place. The tripod was used to make sure the shot was steady and didn't have any unwanted movements, such as shaking and sudden jerks. I learnt alot about cameras; such as how to set them up, and take them down again. These skills are gonna be very vital if I'm to do well in this course.
Factors we had to take into account when making our prelim task was organising a room for us to record in, we booked our drama room out for Monday after school, but because the actors didn't show up, this caused a problem with where we was going to record. We spoke to the drama teacher again and asked if we could do it again another day, due to her kind nature, she allowed us to use the drama room on the Wednesday instead.
I believe our sequence went well because it was well planned and on the day we spent our time well, we showed the actors what they had to do before we even got the camera set out. This was so they could practice there dialogue and gestures before we started recording. This helped us as we didn't have to keep stopping to tell them what to do next.
I have learnt alot from the prelim task, mainly how effective the rule of thirds are. The rule of thirds make each shot more aesthetically more pleasing therefore drawing people to certain parts of the scene. It also shows the difference between the background and foreground so it helps people understand certain aspects of the scene. I also learnt how to work with someone who I don't normally work with better in a group. We were more vocal and communicated well which helped during the filming of the scene, but because we don't talk outside of media, we struggled doing things outside of lesson. I also learnt how to use a camera well, from the fundamentals to the more complicated parts, before this prelim task I had never touched a video camera.
I learnt basically everything I know about editing our own work from the prelim task. I learnt about cutting and dragging different shots etc. We spent out time well editing, we spent our time in lesson very effectively and got the editing finished before most groups. I believe our strengths was picking each shot effectively and if it didn't look right, we changed it as soon possible. I believe our weakness was communicating during this task, we most did it individually which is a problem as its good to practice working together.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Rule of thirds.
The rule of thirds happens in nearly every shot. The rule of thirds is when the shot on screen is split into 6 sections. 2 vertical lines, 2 horizontal lines.
These all leave a point where they intersect, these points are where is where objects or characters are placed either in the foreground or background as it is more aesthetically pleasing for us.

This image of FIFA11 has the most important parts of the image where the thirds would be. There may not be any exact line drawn on the image, but you can roughly work out that's where everything would be. Wayne Rooney's head and the FIFA 11 logo would exactly fall on the point where the view of the audience would fall straight into the bottom left point .
This image of singer Ed Sheeran clearly shows him in the first third horizontally, the centre of his face would fall perfectly in the top left of the frame and the bottom left would be his coffee. These could show these are the more significant parts of the image. The 2 points on the right show the background and whats happening out there while the two on the left would be the foreground.
This is the cover of 007's 'Die another day'. This image is the same, the main character falls into the first third of the foreground, where the second chracter is abit behind. But still in the foreframe, but the second third. The last third is the background and the image of the car.
The top left point would be pointing at the gun, making the gun stand out more than the other objects and characters. The bottom two points are on the title 'Die Another Day.'
These all leave a point where they intersect, these points are where is where objects or characters are placed either in the foreground or background as it is more aesthetically pleasing for us.

This image of FIFA11 has the most important parts of the image where the thirds would be. There may not be any exact line drawn on the image, but you can roughly work out that's where everything would be. Wayne Rooney's head and the FIFA 11 logo would exactly fall on the point where the view of the audience would fall straight into the bottom left point .

The top left point would be pointing at the gun, making the gun stand out more than the other objects and characters. The bottom two points are on the title 'Die Another Day.'
Monday, 19 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Other lyrics and music videos have also influenced how I feel towards the government and politics due to how real the lyrics feel, The video for Devlin's song 'Community Outcast' filmed in a estate in my local area of Dagenham, it shows how much the government affect the local area which can convince many people to rebel agaisnt the government. This is a brief blog about how Music influences me.
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