Thursday 5 January 2012

Question 2

Our opening sequence had a brief show of what life is like for Ashley (our main character); We had an idea to create a character like Newt from past episodes of Hollyoaks who ends up trying to kill himself due to the circumstances he had found himself in. Even though his ex girlfriend Janet is not shown in person, she is obviously around because of the text on his mobile phone. This meant we had to show a character that showed love loss and confusion. My genre was a hybrid between drama and thriller, the common theme in drama is losing love and we linked that to our thriller idea. Which means we had to create a character that attracted both audiences, firstly we had show our character to be in a social group (or in this case, lack of)

-He was 13-14 years old
-Working class
-Dressed informally and didn’t have a strict routine when it came to sleeping
- Severely judgemental, especially to himself
-Kicked out for being anti-social towards parents
-Tries to make friends, and when he does often loses them due to not leaving them alone
-Met his (ex) girlfriend in school
-Cherished his phone because it was the only way of him interacting confidently
-Lives with his Aunt who doesn’t take much care in him, due to the fact that she’s only looking after him because she gets child support and spends the money on hard drugs.

This rounded my idea of him to be quite a loner, someone who doesn’t enjoy being upfront and hides behind a screen. The only real person he can communicate with was himself, that’s why he always confides in the mirror. We made him wake up and fall asleep in the same costume so that could show how he is working class and doesn’t really care about his appearance. This was a polo shirt and tracksuit bottoms, which isn’t something you usual go to sleep or wake up in. This shows that he is far from the usual and doesn’t depend on a common routine and doe’s things his own way. We used a few shots of him just standing around while people walked past and he stood still, this was to show that he couldn’t interact with people properly and he doesn’t have anyone to confide in him besides himself, it also showed that people didn’t really care about him. A young teenage boy standing and staring at something for a long period of time will normally concern people and they would question him. But no one did, so this shows how people don’t really care for him. We made him spike his hair up because that’s what a typical 13 year old boy would do. The props of the phone made his persona of only communicating properly through the phone more realistic as we never saw him communicating with people physically, but did through his phone abit.
The sound effects of people laughing at him while he was looking in the mirror made it clear he was very judgmental as one thing that happened in school stayed in his mind all day, even when he was alone and just confiding with himself in the mirror
Everybody would see our character as a freak and someone that wouldn’t fit into society, this is because he didn’t act like everybody else. For example, when he sat in class and a pupil threw a paper airplane at him to show him up, this shows that everybody in his world mock him and don’t show him respect. This is a world he doesn’t like, and you can see this just by the way he walks round always looking down, I wouldn’t say during our opening sequence he looks suicidal. But as he cracks, he starts to become more suicidal and blame himself and not the environment he lives in.

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